Thursday, July 7, 2011

New on the www!

Finally, a new post *sheepish grin*  First of all, I'd like to send a warm welcome to all new followers and many thanks to everyone still interested in this often dusty blog!  Hoping that you're in good spirits and enjoying the summer, or winter, as it may be.

So far in my summer, family, friends, homecomings and gatherings have been a fun combination in a whirlwind of activity.  Through it all, I've been sometimes glued to my laptop to take care of a few things like...a blog refresh at the beginning of June and the construction of my new website!  At the start, I was so out of my element, but after some marathon days and nights and bleary eyes, it's finally done.  Now all that's left is stocking the shelves with minis...easier said than done!  Do stop by when you get the chance,  :)

I was on a roll making religieuses for an order...guess what's first available in the shop?

Hope to be back soon...have a great day!